A Letter to Our Patients about Covid-19

Dear Patients,

Please read this notice as it pertains to health-related precautions.

Due to the severity of the circumstances unfolding with the coronavirus and cases reported in Travis County, PD Labs is taking extra steps to prioritize our patient’s safety.  We are especially concerned with minimizing exposure to our high-risk patients, such as elderly and immunocompromised patients, who have to this point been the most severely impacted by the effects of this virus.

We have installed certified antiviral air purifiers in the lobby.  We wipe and clean our counters, credit card machine touchpad, our point of system screen and front door handles every 30 to 45 minutes.  We have created an antibacterial sanitizer that can be used for the hands and most surfaces. This is made available to our staff and the public. 

We will continue to offer no-charge curbside delivery.  Call our staff when your arrive and we will bring out your prepared medications and over-the-counter items to your parking space at the pharmacy.  Please provide payment information when calling if you would like to utilize this service. We also recommend patients fill a 90-day supply on medications, if possible. If you need counseling on any medications or over-the-counter items our pharmacists will gladly help those in need over the phone.

If you have any questions please give us call at PD Labs, 512-219-0724 or send us an email to info@pdlabsrx.com




Ray Solano, RPh, MBA, CCN

Owner, Pharmacist

PD Labs, Inc