Talking To Your Partner

Dealing with Peyronie's disease can be difficult not only for men who have the condition, but for their partner as well. Peyronie's disease can have a serious impact on his self-image and on your relationship. Studies have found that men with Peyronie's disease often suffer from a loss of sexual confidence, decreased self-esteem, and many suffer from depression. Not only is your partner dealing with the physical deformities, but erectile dysfunction is also common with Peyronie's disease which adds another layer of concerns. With your help, support, and treatment you may be suprised how much his self-image may improve, ultimately improving your sexual relationship.

It may help you and your partner to know that you are not alone. It is estimated that nearly 10% or more of men have Peyronie's disease. Even though it is a relatively common condition, it is not well known which often makes men feel isolated. Let your partner know that there is information and treatments for his condition. Suggest this website as a place to start. Some of the tools in the patient section may be helpful to him.

It is critical to understand how important it is to your partner that they be able to have normal erections. For most men having even a slight decrease in their ability to perform sexually can lead to feeling that they have lost masculinity. With Peyronie's disease these feelings are magnified by visual deformities that occur with every erection. Many men with Peyronie's disease are embarrassed by the condition, which makes talking to you and to their doctor very difficult.

Since Peyronie's disease affects both of you it is important that you talk to him about his condition and how it is affecting you. This may be a difficult subject to bring up and he may be resistant, but starting a conversation about his condition can be the first step in seeking treatment. In starting the conversation it may be helpful to start off explaining how you feel about the impact his condition is having on your relationship and that you would like to help. Here are some possible conversation starters that you may find helpful:

  1. I have always enjoyed our sexual relationship and feel that it is an important part of our overall relationship. I want to help so that we can get back to enjoying intimacy again.
  2. Our sex life has always been great, but has suffered some lately. We should make an appointment to see a doctor to explore options that could help to make it great again.
  3. I also miss the great sex life we have always had and would like to get it back on track. I have read online about different treatments that can help. Let's make an appointment to discuss them with your doctor.

Remember to be supportive. Many men that we speak to express how thankful they are that they have a supportive partner and that their condition would be even more difficult to deal with without it.